
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why does Elephant Haven opt for Protected Contact?

    Protected Contact, in this system there is always a protective barriere of some type between caregiver and elephant. The elephants have the freedom to choose themselves whether they want to participate or not.

  • What happens to elephants that are used to Free Contact?

    The wellbeing of the elephants is our main concern. Therefore, a plan will be written out for each individual that will guide the elephant into a Protected Contact system. The transition to Protected Contact takes place under observation and the free will of the elephants will be taken into consideration.

  • Does Elephant Haven chain the elephants?

    No. Only in cases where elephants need to be transported, we might consider the use of chains to ensure the safety of both animals and people.

  • Will Elephant Haven breed the elephants?


  • What if an elephant breaks loose?

    The safety of both animals and people needs to be guaranteed at all times. This means that everything will be done to prevent elephants from escaping. In the unfortunate event that an elephant manages to escape, the emergency plan goes into effect. Employees of Elephant Haven will be trained to use a tranquilizer gun.

  • Is there veterinary assistance available for the elephants?

    The animals are under constant supervision of veterinarians.
    See our Veterinary Service

  • What do the elephants eat and where does their food come from?

    The diet of the elephants consists mainly of hay and branches, complemented with vegetables, fruit and food supplements. In order to provide the freshest food and to minimize the environmental impact, such as pollution from transport, Elephant Haven wants to purchase locally produced items as much as possible.

  • Does Elephant Haven work with volunteers?

    Elephant Haven is a non-profit organisation that depends on donations and sponsorships. That is why we rely on volunteers. Volunteers have no direct contact with the elephants. Besides taking care of the elephants, there are other jobs that need to be done, such as administration concerning animal, staff and financial issues, working in the vegetable garden, general maintenance, communication, fund raising and rescue.

    If you are interested in volunteering please click here: See our Volunteering Page

  • How many elephants can Elephant Haven house?

    Elephant Haven wants to help as many elephants as possible, but only if we can offer them the best possible care and living conditions.

  • Will Elephant Haven also be providing shelter for bulls, Asian and African elephants?

    The acceptance of an elephant will always be judged per individual case and if necessary discussed with the advisory board. Elephant Haven intends to receive Asian as well as African elephants. Receiving bulls, male elephants, requires very complex and species-specific care. That will be done in consultation with the advisory board.

  • Will African and Asian elephants be kept separated from one another?

    African and Asian elephants live separate lives of course. This situation also requires to be judged on an individual, case–by-case basis. When for instance an African and Asian elephant have been living together for years and have formed a bond, then we will most likely choose not to interfere and to allow these animals to continue living together.

  • Does Elephant Haven play an educational role?

    Elephant Haven wants to contribute to the world with consciousness of man, animal and its environment. Elephant Haven offers a modest education and visitor space. Here, visitors can learn more about the shelter, the elephants, the natural behavior, the problems elephants are facing and their natural habitat.

  • How does Elephant Haven raise the necessary funds?

    Elephant Haven is entirely dependent on donations and sponsorships.
    Click here to support by making a donation.

  • Is Elephant Haven involved in possible reintroductions of elephants into the wild?

    When it is possible to safely reintroduce an elephant into the wild and it benefits the welfare of the individual animal, Elephant Haven is more than willing to cooperate provided that the elephant is protected and the reintroduction is carefully monitored.

  • Does Elephant Haven also work together with other organizations?

    Elephant Haven likes to work together with other organizations and experts to provide the best possible care for the elephants, to keep the organization healthy, to share knowledge, to learn from each other and to support each other. Two know more than one.

  • How much does an elephant eat and drink?

    An elephant drinks an average of 100 to 150 liters of water and eats about 100 kilo of food per day.

  • What is the annual cost of keeping an elephant?

    The cost involved in looking after the elephants depends mainly on their health and on the number of elephants in the shelter.
    Heating and electricity bills and the keepers’ wages remain the same whether we have one, two or three elephants in one barn. The average annual cost of an elephant is between €50,000 - € 100.000

  • Does Elephant Haven also provide shelter for other animals?

    No. Elephant Haven focuses specifically on elephants.

  • Where do the elephants come from?

    Elephant Haven wants to offer a place for elephants from zoos and circuses.

  • What is Elephant Haven currently working on?

    Elephant Haven Timeline
    If you want to be kept informed, click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

  • Where do the donations go?

    Every euro, dollar or pound that is raised is used exclusively for the Elephant Haven project. All magnificent assistance we receive is purely voluntary, as is our work . In any case, we are bound by strict non profit rules and regulations and no member of the Elephant Haven working team would compromise those regulations.

  • What will happen with the money if Elephant Haven do not succeed?

    If Elephant Haven is not realized ,the statutes stipulate that all our raised funds will be donated to a similar project.

If you need more details, please contact us at info@elephanthaven.com. In the meantime, we’re hard at work and we thank you for your support, your understanding and your trust.